

If I Would Make A Wish-- Rehearsal Diary of the Der Goldene Drache (06/25)




排練進入第二週。排練一週過後,演員們發現有些台詞讀起來不順,劇本翻譯佾均於是對照《金龍》原劇本和其刊載在德國雜誌 《今日劇場》上的文本,發現兩者台詞略有出入。她所提供的勘誤表如下(修正部分以粗體字標出):

第13景 (第37頁)
年逾六十的女人:13 號:沙嗲烤肉串,雞肉配上沙嗲醬。

第35景 (第59頁)
年逾六十的女人: 雜貨店老闆說:你還沒有來過我住的地方?
   年輕女人: 沒有 ─
年逾六十的女人: 真的沒有?
   年輕女人: 沒有!當然沒有!
年逾六十的女人:進來,進來 ─
   年輕女人: 這實在 ─

第36景 (第60頁)
年逾六十的男人: 於是他們在一起之後,葉琺跟他說:現在你是芭比
fucker,現在你是芭比 fucker。
年輕女人:對,我現在是芭比 fucker。
年逾六十的男人: 這趟飛得怎麼樣,...




Date: 06/25/12
Place: Tainaner Rehearsal Studio


Rehearsal enters second week. Over the past week, the actors have found a few lines awkward. After comparing the original text and the one published in Theaterheute, our translator, Betty, found that there are some lines inconsistent in these two references. The corrigendum she provides is as follows (Corrections are in bold):

SCENE 13 (pg 37)
(Woman Over Sixty gets burned.)
Woman Over Sixty:    Number 13: Satay kebab. Chicken with satay sauce. 
(Young Woman groans in pain)

SCENE 35 (pg 59)
Woman Over Sixty:    The grocery store owner says, “You haven’t been to my place?”
Young Woman:    No——
Woman Over Sixty:    Really?
Young Woman:    No! Of course not!
(Woman Over Sixty pauses for a bit.)
Woman Over Sixty:    Come on in——
Young Woman: This is really——

SCENE 36 (pg 60)
Man Over Sixty:    ……Now you are a Barbie fucker.
(Young Woman laughs)
Young Woman:    Yes, I’m now a Barbie fucker.
Young Woman:    How’s your flight?
Man Over Sixty:    “How’s your flight?” asks Barbie fucker……

Tilmann discusses with the actors their feelings about last week’s rehearsal and brings to their attention one of the play’s main themes: if I were someone else. This theme can be seen in both actors and characters. While each actor plays characters drastically different from themselves, these characters yearn to be others. During last week’s rehearsal, I’ve found that Tilmann sometimes asks the actors to imitate each character’s voice and body which reflect his or her sex and age, while sometimes not. This actually confounds the actors.  Hongzhang expresses his uncertainty about when to play himself or when to impersonate characters. Other actors all agree with him and feel ungrounded. In response to their question, Tilmann thinks, a consistent logic is not necessary in this play. He tries to avoid applying one single principle to the entire play and making every scene predictable. Rather, his main concern is to find a way to produce the biggest dramatic momentum for each scene. Throughout the whole play, the only consistent logic is the fact that there are five actors telling a story. Ziheng Lin seconds the director’s idea and says, “Too much impersonation may make the audience pay too much attention to how we act out the roles, how we pretend to be other people. Yet we will never really be able to become them. If we focus heavily on imitation, the performance will gradually get awkward, mechanical, and banal. Ultimately, the audience will get bored.” Here, Tilmann and Ziheng both appear to insinuate that storytelling in the theater is more than mimetic acting, which aims to produce make-believe effects, and that the pleasure of the theater is not to hide the rift between actor and character that never disappears but to widens or rediscovers it.


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