If I Would Make A Wish-- Rehearsal Diary of the Der Goldene Drache (06/29)
Tilmann 把活動空間擴展到整個舞台,以及平台後面的整個空間,將「疏離感」的概念具象化。他發現,當兩位演員逐漸遠離對方,其相對位置形成一條對角線時,角色之間的張力變得格外強烈。有趣的是,當演員相互擦身而過卻毫無交談或肢體接觸時,可以感覺到另一種戲劇張力,演員之間的距離很近,但疏離感卻很鮮明、強烈。此外,在一般劇場表演中,演員若「背台」(意即背對觀眾) 通常會被認為是很尷尬的情況、不專業的表演,但Tilmann認為,當一演員背台,而其他演員面對觀眾時,畫面的張力也會變得很強烈。幾天的排練下來,我漸漸發現,導演在畫面上的調度,十分著重速度、節奏、距離和對比。
Date: 06/29/12
Place: Rehearsal Studio 404
The actors read through Scene 15-20. Tilmann continues to experiment with different ways to place actors’ isolated body parts against the platform edge. He observes that the contrast between human skin and metal surface is interesting. What’s different from the exercise the actors did yesterday is that body parts are movable today. “Isolate your head from your body. Only heads, no shoulders! Imagine your head is chopped off and now floating on the water.” Their heads keeps emerging out of and submerging into the “water” with their distorted faces or overly serious looks. The actors also use other body parts, such as feet, elbows, fingers, and even ass. This exercise involves no verbal language, and each movement progresses in different heights and speeds. The actors’ pantomime sends forth a clownish energy that lightens the atmosphere of the whole rehearsal room.
Tilmann expands the exercise space into the entire stage and the whole empty space behind the platform, embodying the idea of strangeness. He discovers that when two actors stand distant from each other in a diagonal line, the tension between them gets extremely fierce. Interestingly enough, another dramatically intense moment occurs when the five actors pass by each other without making any conversation or physical contact. The distance between actors is short, but the sense of strangeness is clear and strong. Besides, although it is often considered awkward and unprofessional in the theater when actors turn their back on the audience, Tilmann explains the image gets intense when one actor sits with his back to audience, and others face it. Over the past few days of rehearsal, I have gradually found that the director’s composition focuses heavily on pace, rhythm, distance, and contrast.
Another thing I discover is that Tilmann has a keen sensitivity to his surroundings. He always can easily find objects in the rehearsal room that can be used to help actors build up their characters. Besides, he is good at shaping the ideas conceived by the actors into his own complex, dynamic visual language. Inspired by an image in which all the actors kick Yenbin when they are doing improvisation, Tilmann asks them to place their feet on Yenbin’s head and face, an action intensifying the oppression and humiliation that Yenbin experiences as the Cricket and as an aboriginal descendant in Taiwan.
Because the costume designer will come to the rehearsal tomorrow, the director asks the actors to stumble through Scene 10-13. This is the first time that the actors have run these scenes continuously. I feel that their energy becomes more vigorous and their presence stronger, but the transitions between the scenes haven’t been fully developed yet.