

If I Would Make A Wish-- Rehearsal Diary of the Der Goldene Drache (06/27)



照片版權© 台南人劇團






導演接著排練第七景。當他和演員一同發掘該景的潛文本時,他發現「群體和個人」的這個主題在劇本中不斷地重複出現,這主題第七景格外明顯。為了彰顯該景蟋蟀和螞蟻們之間不平等的權力關係,Tilmann 讓螞蟻(黃怡琳飾) 對蟋蟀 (陳彥斌飾) 進行語言暴力。當 螞蟻/怡琳 和她的小僂儸們對 蟋蟀/彥斌 連珠炮般地揶揄、輕蔑,蟋蟀/彥斌忽略他們的攻擊,沉浸在自己的原住民吟唱中,這似乎隱喻了原住民或其他少數團體在台灣長年來所受到其他多數人的壓迫。


Date: 06/27/12
Place: Rehearsal Studio 404

The rehearsal moves to a bigger room, almost twice as big as the one we used over the past few days. A long, big temporary platform is placed in the middle of the rehearsal room. On the one hand, Tilmann can finally experiment with new ideas in space, including the platform and the vast empty space behind it. On the other, this also means the actors have to readjust themselves to this new performing space.

The director works with Ziheng on his monologue in Scene 14. He explains that a long speech usually consists of escalation, reversal, and climax, and asks Ziheng to find beats embedded in this scene. In Scene 8, Ziheng and Shaojie continue the puppet games they’ve been developing, and they have established a good rapport with each other. Also in the scene, in order to accentuate the couple’s crumbling relationship, Tilmann draws a stark contrast between them in various aspects, including rhythm, gait, gesture, pose, and so on. A similar approach to highlighting contrast is also used in Scene 11, in which the couple played by Hongzhang and Yilin react differently to their upcoming child. In their improvisation, a music box is used, exuding a sweet, peaceful melody, while the tension between the couple brews and threats to explode. Not only does the way the actors deal with the characters’ interactions become subtler, but also the game between actors never stops, to the extent that audience would be unable to identify whether they are actors or characters or both. From Tilmann’s continuous laughter, I can tell he is pretty satisfied with what the actors have developed so far.

Tomorrow, there will be a reading in the book launch conference for Der Traum vom Individuum (The Dream of The Individual), a collection of Chinese translations of five contemporary German plays, Schimmelpfennig’s The Golden Dragon included. For the reading, Tilmann selects Scene 1, 3, and 13. The actors read through these scenes and have gradually found the pace they feel most comfortable with, which is much better than what they did in the first week. When simply hearing the text read aloud, I can still feel its strong musicality, and the chemistry among actors and characters gets increasingly interesting. Even so, Tilmann always wants the actors to brainstorm new ideas and try different things in rehearsal. Even for those ideas, emotions, and movements he has decided to put onstage, he still wants the actors to stay flexible, reexamining and reshaping them at different levels.

Tilmann then rehearses Scene 7. As he excavates subtext from the scene with the actors, he discovers that the motif of individuality versus collectivity recurs throughout the whole play. Scene 7 provides a salient example. In the scene, the Cricket begs the Ant for food but gets rejected. In order to intensify the unbalanced power structure between the two, Tilmann makes the Ant, played by Yilin, verbally abuse the Cricket, played by Yenbin. In Tilmann’s direction, when bombarded with an onslaught of mockery and contempt by Yilin and her sidekicks, Yenbin starts to ignore their noises by absorbing himself in an aboriginal melody, a sorrowful moment that appears to suggest major ethnic groups’ longstanding oppressions of the aborigines, or other minorities, in Taiwan.



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